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ABC Bail Bonds

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Toll Free (614) 220-4200 - Toll Free
Phone (614) 220-4200
Mobile (614) 220-4200 - Mobile
Address 330 S. Pearl st. Downtown,
Columbus, OH 43215 United States


ABC Bail Bonds is a local provider of bail bond services in Columbus. Visit us very soon at our store location or call us today at (614) 220-4207.

Reviews for ABC Bail Bonds

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • ABC Bail Bonds

    Best in Ohio!

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Great experience with this company! Met me at court late night. Helped me get my cousin out when she got locked up.
    Honest and fair with the payments. Hope I don't need another bondsman again, but if I do I'm calling ABC all day!”

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