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3-D Bail Bonds (New Haven CT)


Toll Free (800) 570-5544 - Toll Free
Phone (203) 562-6666
Address Dixwell Avenue,
Hamden, CT 06519 United States


Meet our reliable and experienced team of bail bondsmen in New Haven, Connecticut.

Bail Bonds New Haven CT opened its doors in 1997. Since then, Dan and Drew have worked tirelessly to provide the best possible bail service there is. Every day, bail agents and customer care agents work together, guiding customers like you through the judicial process and the world of bail bonds.
Bail bond services are a mystery to most until someone they know needs to pay a bond to get out of jail. It is crucial to learn about what to do after an arrest. You need a company you can trust that will stand with you all the way until the case is finished. Not only your local bail bonds company should be on your side helping you during this process, but they should be your top resource for all questions. A reliable and experienced company offers this and more.
Remember, posting a bail bond for your loved one in New Haven is the most crucial step to getting their freedom back when facing a criminal case.
3-D Bail Bonds’ bonding services at the New Haven police and courthouse, also known as Superior Court GA 23, are available 24/7. Our team of bail bondsmen and bondswomen are available 24 hours, 7 days, 365, weekends, and holidays. We can easily post most set bail bonds at the police station on Union Avenue New Haven. The bail process may take between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the time of day.
3-D Bail Bonds serves the State Police Troop F, Troop G, and all police departments and correctional centers including the New Haven Correctional Center in Whalley Avenue.
We can help with many types of bail bonds and offer bail financing as necessary. Our free services include warrant checks, court date reminders, and more.
Contact us today at (203) 562-6666 for free consultations and 24-hour service by licensed professional agents at 3-D Bail Bonds New Haven.

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