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Giggies Bail Bonding Service


Phone (864) 271-7386
Address 910 E North St,
Greenville, SC 29601 United States


Giggies Bail Bonding Service is a respected provider of bail bond services in Greenville. Visit us very soon at our address or call us soon at (864) 271-7386.

Reviews for Giggies Bail Bonding Service

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Giggies Bail Bonding Service

    Posted On:

    “My mom & I posted a bond for my sister,last Friday,the 16th of May,The Judge says it has not been received yet.Mind-you it's been a week ago,She stated that she should have already been out since we posted her bond,we trusted this company to help us,and they let us down. My mom needed my sister home to help her out,cause she is very weak,now we are told she may not get out until next Tuesday.What it all boils down to,is you can't trust anyone.When they get your money,they don't care how long it takes to get the ball rolling.They want even return our phone calls.
    Susan Mabry”

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